About Us: We are located in the beautiful Pineywoods region of East Texas. We are NALC Certified Breeders who acquired our first Catahoulas in 2012 and begin showing with NALC in 2015. We have owned several different breeds throughout our lives and while each breed has its own qualities, we have found that the Catahoula has every quality and requirement to match our lifestyle and fulfill our needs.
We breed for intelligent dogs with good conformation, and a strong working drive and we continue to research bloodlines to add to our breeding program that will enable us to provide quality puppies to people who desire a dog with the characteristics the Catahoula is known for. All of our breeding dogs have tested negative for DM (Degenerative Myelopathy) or are negative by parentage.
Our Catahoula puppies are proving to have the working ability that is sought after whether it is in the bay pen, woods, working cattle, property protection or varmint control. We are proud to have placed puppies throughout the United States and Canada and to have produced two UKC champions with several others pointed with NALC in conformation, obedience and hog baying.
About the breed: The Louisiana Catahoula is a versatile working dog used for working stock, baying/hunting hogs, tracking, treeing, companionship, and guard dog. They are a medium to medium large dog, well muscled, yet trim, powerful and athletic with agility and endurance. The Catahoula is independent, protective and territorial. They are loving and protective to their family, but may show aggressive behavior toward other animals and strangers. Signs of timidity on a leash should not be taken as cowardice, but rather the intolerance for strangers. They are a high energy, working bred dog that requires a job or strenuous activity and thrive in an environment that provides them plenty of room to run.
Our Catahoulas have captured our hearts with their loyalty, dedication, strength, determination, and work ethic.
We cannot imagine ever owning another breed!
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A righteous man regards the life of his animal...
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We cannot imagine ever owning another breed!
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A righteous man regards the life of his animal...
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All photos and information on this website are copyrighted material and are either owned by Loukat Catahoulas or being used by permission of the owner. Please do not use this information or photos without written permission. Should you desire the use of one of our photos for some purpose, please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
All photos and information on this website are copyrighted material and are either owned by Loukat Catahoulas or being used by permission of the owner. Please do not use this information or photos without written permission. Should you desire the use of one of our photos for some purpose, please contact us to discuss your specific needs.
The majority of our puppies are on deposit before a litter is born; therefore, we will have few puppies to offer the public or offer privately to potential buyers. Placing a deposit secures your place in the pick order.
The dogs listed below are part of the Loukat Pack and are NOT FOR SALE
With the greatest sorrow, we said see you soon to Sheba on January 31, 2024. She will forever be the queen of Loukat Catahoulas. She was our first daughter of Drago, the alpha among our females & a once in a lifetime dog for me. Sheba will always be my top dog and will never have an equal in my heart. She was intelligent, assertive, protective of her family and never backed down from anyone or anything. She would bay anything that moves and breathes, had a great nose for tracking and would gladly eliminate any varmint around. We never found anything that she wouldn't do if given the chance!
She proved to be an excellent producer and passed her working qualities, drive and protective nature to her offspring. Crossing her with Lee's Feisty Boudreaux was the magic cross that we had been searching for! Sheba and Boudreaux produced a UKC Champion along with two-time (2023 & 2024) Uncle Earl's NALC Two Dog Bay Champions Loukat's Seal of Solomon (son) and Cutter (granddaughter). Sheba has produced offspring that are proven working dogs and pointed with NALC in conformation, obedience and hog baying. We expect the daughters and sons we have retained will continue producing puppies with the same drive and working ability! Sheba was 5/8 Drago and was the greatest asset to our breeding program!
2013 NALC Blue Leopard Female 12-10-2013 ~ 01/31/2024 Having long admired, Stones Throw's Drago, it was an easy decision to add Sheba to our program and it quickly became clear it was one of the best decisions we had ever made!
{Stones Throw's Drago was pointed in field trials, a conformation champion and consistently produced puppies with his many qualities in working ability, conformation, and temperament.}
Blue Sky's Choco Crane's Strike Two Rockledge's Kati Le Reaux ShCh Stones Throw Drago Stones Throw's Colby G Stones Throw's Ode to Joy Abney's Gray Lady SHCH Stones Throws Drago White Rock's Grady White Rocks Lilly Twist White Rock's Mattie Jo Wager's Fred Aden's Erlene Camp-A-While's Bay Bay Sheba raised her last litter in 2019 and was retired to enjoy the rest of her years doing what she loves most: protecting her family, killing any varmints that dare to venture close and teaching the youngsters how to work and bay anything that moves!
Sheba was "that dog" for me. She will be missed for the rest of our lives and will never have an equal. |
Our long-anticipated puppy has arrived! We are so blessed and honored to have the opportunity to welcome this girl to the Loukat Pack. Bella is not only a daughter of Stones Throw's Drago, but also a granddaughter of Bay Apache's Clay, a winner of Uncle Earl's Hog Baying, and White Rock's Mia who was consistently in the top ten of NALC Hog Baying and Treeing competition. To say we are excited to have her is quite an understatement!
Bella, a half-sister to Sheba, has begun baying hogs, raccoons and livestock. She has a strong working drive and is protective of family and property! Bella made her show career debut April 2024 at the NALC show in Crystal Springs, MS with a FIRST PLACE win! |
2023 NALC Solid Black Female DOB: 08-16-2023 {Stones Throw's Drago was pointed in field trials, a conformation champion and consistently produced puppies with his many qualities in working ability, conformation, and temperament.}
Blue Sky's Choco Crane's Strike Two Rockledge's Kati Le Reaux ShCh Stones Throw Drago Stones Throw's Colby G Stones Throw's Ode to Joy Abney's Gray Lady Blue Sky's Hondo Bay Apache's Clay Ms Lilly White Rock's Lucy Lee's Jericho White Rock's Mia White Rock's Stormy |
April 2024 Crystal Springs, MS FIRST Place ~ 6-9 Month Female
We are so pleased to have the opportunity to add Vesper to the Loukat Pack. She is assertive and intelligent with a strong working drive.
Vesper began baying raccoons, hogs and livestock at four months old and we anticipate she will just keep getting better. Vesper is a beautiful solid chocolate with blue eyes and we look forward to watching her mature into an excellent working dog! |
2024 NALC Chocolate Female DOB: 07-31-2024 |
UKC GR CH El Dorado's Prince
CH Rocking M's Miksa UKC CH Lee's Annie Bug Star Gazer's Twist of Fate SH CH Stones Throw's Drago CH White Rock's Ziva White Rock's Too Booty Rocky Point's Baymax Rocky Point's Micco GRCH SHCH Rocky Point's Belladonna Star Gazer's Annabelle SH CH Stones Throw's Drago CH White Rock's Ziv White Rock's Too Booty |
PRINCESSPrincess was retained from Sheba's first litter for our program and she inherited her sire and dam's assertive, protective nature along with a strong desire to bay livestock, raccoons or hogs. She loves working anything that moves and has become one of the best snake and varmint eliminators along with Bolo! She is exactly what we strive to produce!
She has matured into a large female weighing approximately 70 lbs. With 39 points in NALC conformation, she is very close to a Conformation Championship! Princess is reaching retirement and will continue to enjoy her favorite past time of baying hogs, raccoons and livestock! |
White Rock's Grady White Rock's Charlie Aden's Erlene Lee's Feisty Boudreaux CHSHCH Lee's Mr. Buck Lee's Ladybug Facahatchee's Midnight Star Crane's Strike Two ShCh Stones Throw's Drago Stones Throw's Ode to Joy White Rock's Sheba White Rock's Grady White Rock's Mattie Jo Aden's Erlene |
LOUKAT'S PRINCESS NALC Show Accomplishments
Oct 2024 ~ Crystal Springs, MS FOURTH PLACE ~ 6 yr & older Senior
Oct 2023 ~ Carville, LA SECOND PLACE ~ 6 yr & older Senior
Oct 2022 ~ Carville, LA FOURTH PLACE ~ 6 yr & older Senior
Oct 2021 Crystal Springs, MS FOURTH Place ~ 1 yr & older had a litter
Sept 2019 Carville, LA THIRD Place ~ 1 yr & older had a litter ~ NALC Conformation
Sept 2019 Carville, LA THIRD Place ~ 1 yr & older had a litter ~ "Preserving Our History"
Apr 2019 Carville, LA FIRST Place ~ 1 year & older had a litter ~ "Preserving Our History"
Apr 2019 Carville, LA BEST IN SHOW ~ "Preserving Our History"
Apr 2018 Carville, LA FIRST Place ~ 1 year & older had a litter
Sept 2016 DeKalb, TX THIRD Place ~ 9-12 Month Female
Oct 2023 ~ Carville, LA SECOND PLACE ~ 6 yr & older Senior
Oct 2022 ~ Carville, LA FOURTH PLACE ~ 6 yr & older Senior
Oct 2021 Crystal Springs, MS FOURTH Place ~ 1 yr & older had a litter
Sept 2019 Carville, LA THIRD Place ~ 1 yr & older had a litter ~ NALC Conformation
Sept 2019 Carville, LA THIRD Place ~ 1 yr & older had a litter ~ "Preserving Our History"
Apr 2019 Carville, LA FIRST Place ~ 1 year & older had a litter ~ "Preserving Our History"
Apr 2019 Carville, LA BEST IN SHOW ~ "Preserving Our History"
Apr 2018 Carville, LA FIRST Place ~ 1 year & older had a litter
Sept 2016 DeKalb, TX THIRD Place ~ 9-12 Month Female
Sinatra comes from several lines of proven working dogs and we are very happy to be adding him to the Loukat Pack.
This is a puppy that we planned for some time and we can't wait to see how he matures and watch him getting started working! Sinatra is proving to be exactly what we hoped for and began baying livestock and raccoons at 6 months old! |
NALC Solid Black & Tan Male DOB 06-06-2024 |
El Dorado's Prince
Rockin M's Miksa Lee's Annie Bug White Rock's Rufus Xavier Bay Apache's Clay White Rock's Lucy White Rock's Mia Crooked Creek's Pop-A-Top White Rock's Tuco Lee's Tallulah Loukat's Angel Eyes White Rock's Tuco Loukat's Stormy White Rock's Sheba |
Boomer was my pick from the day he was born, but I offered him for sale. He was chosen three times; two sales fell through and the third returned him to me, hence the name Boomerang. I have never been so happy to receive a puppy back and Boomer has made me proud every day since his return. He is assertive, loves to bay, has a great nose and is very intelligent.
He attended his first NALC show in Crystal Springs, MS in October 2024 after only being led one time and never having a show collar on until the day of the show and never having been tied out, not only did he stand quietly on the tie out without any fuss, he also entered the conformation ring and set up like a champion for the first time ever, bringing home 1st Place and Reserve in Show Puppy! I am so proud of this boy and he has a home for life with us! |
NALC Blue Leopard Male DOB 06-06-2024 |
El Dorado's Prince Rockin M's Miksa Lee's Annie Bug White Rock's Rufus Xavier Bay Apache's Clay White Rock's Lucy White Rock's Mia Crooked Creek's Pop-A-Top White Rock's Tuco Lee's Tallulah Loukat's Angel Eyes White Rock's Tuco Loukat's Stormy White Rock's Sheba |
LOUKAT'S BOOMERANG NALC Show Accomplishments
October 2024 Crystal Springs, MS FIRST PLACE ~ 3-6 Month Male
We love everything about the pedigree of this girl! Not only is she a paternal granddaughter of Lee's Ladybug, but also a maternal granddaughter of Miksa and Mia who were consistently in the NALC top ten treeing and baying during their show careers.
With all of the proven working dogs in her pedigree, it is no surprise that Sammi Jo has matured into an excellent working dog. Whether it is baying livestock, raccoons or hogs, she will get the job done! Sammi Jo made her show career debut at the April 2024 NALC show in Crystal Springs, MS and brought home a SECOND PLACE win! |
2023 NALC Solid Black Female DOB: 08-14 -2023 |
Lee's Thunderhorse Lee's Dugan Lee's Annie Oakley Lee's Sam CHSHCH Lee's Mr. Buck Lee's Ladybug Facahatchee's Midnight Star El Dorado's Prince CH Rockin M's Miksa Lee's Annie Bug White Rock's Pulldoo Lee's Jericho White Rock's Mia White Rock's Stormy |
WHITE ROCK'S SAMMI JO NALC Show Accomplishments
April 2024 Crystal Springs, MS SECOND Place ~ 6-9 Month Female
LOUKAT'S BOLO NALC Show Accomplishments
Oct 2023 Carville, LA FIRST Place ~ 1 yr & older had a litter
Oct 2021 Crystal Springs, MS SECOND Place ~ 1 yr & older never had a litter
Oct 2021 Crystal Springs, MS SECOND Place ~ 1 yr & older never had a litter
Tuco comes from working/champion titled breeding with both sire and dam pointed with NALC.
Tuco excels as one of our personal protection dogs and he has an excellent nose for tracking along with a strong drive for baying hogs and working cattle. We are very impressed with Tuco ~ he is gritty and determined. He sired his first litter in 2017 and many of the puppies have exhibited the same characteristics and working drive and several are pointed with NALC in conformation as well. Tuco is assertive and the phrases "give up" and "back down" are not in his vocabulary. His motto is when you have to bite, bite don't bark! Tuco is quickly approaching retirement and we will continue to try for litters sired by him. He will always be one of our favorite sires for hard working, gritty puppies. |
Crooked Creek’s Bo-Wiser Crooked Creek’s Dubbul Wiser Crooked Creek’s Miss Bisquet Crooked Creek’s Pop-A-Top Nitro Sandhill’s Xena Stacey’s Miss M Oak Run’s Cayo Conch Lazy Jake’s Conch Lazy J’s Jetta Lee’s Tallulah CJ’s Jenkins Lee’s Tweeky Lee’s Morning Star |
We are very excited to add this boy to our program and we are happy to say that he is proving to have the same working drive for livestock and hogs that the breed is known for.
Phoenix has a pedigree filled with proven working dogs and we are always partial to White Rock's Charlie (sire to Lee's Feisty Boudreaux)! Phoenix's first sired by litter arrived December 2022 out of Loukat's Bolo and we have been very impressed with the litter. Puppies exhibited their sire and dam's assertive and vocal nature and we anticipate they will mature into excellent working dogs! |
NALC Red Leopard Male DOB: 05-04-2021 |
White Rock's Grady White Rock's Charlie Aden's Erlene White Rock's Fatts SHCH Stones Throws Drago White Rock's Mabelline White Rock's Samantha White Rock's Mighty Tyson Windridge's Mac Leod Windridge's Mustang Sally White Rock's Hooker Janie's G2 White Rock's Savannah Braveheart's Sgt Pepper |
WHITE ROCK'S PHOENIX NALC Show Accomplishments
Apr 2024 Crystal Springs, MS THIRD Place ~ 1 Year & Older Proven Stud
Oct 2023 Carville, LA FIRST Place ~ 1 Year & Older Proven Stud
Oct 2022 Carville, LA SECOND Place ~ 1 Year & Older Never Sired a Litter
Oct 2021 Crystal Springs, MS FOURTH Place ~ 3-6 Month Male
Oct 2023 Carville, LA FIRST Place ~ 1 Year & Older Proven Stud
Oct 2022 Carville, LA SECOND Place ~ 1 Year & Older Never Sired a Litter
Oct 2021 Crystal Springs, MS FOURTH Place ~ 3-6 Month Male
We are very happy for Rufus to be joining the Loukat pack and we look forward to his future as a show prospect, working dog and future stud.
Rufus has an even temperament and already has a strong working drive for baying anything that moves and a great nose for tracking! Rufus' sire and maternal grand dam were both in the NALC top 10 in treeing and showing in 2023 along with a maternal grandsire that was an Uncle Earl's winner! |
WHITE ROCK'S RUFUS XAVIER 2022 NALC Solid Red & Tan Male DOB: 03-20-2022 |
ShCh Cohutta's Spook El Dorado's Prince Tasso's Harley Rockin M's Miksa GrChShCh El Dorado's Hollywood Lee's Annie Bug Lee's Ladybug Blue Sky's Hondo Bay Apache's Clay Ms Lilly White Rock's Lucy Lee's Jericho White Rock's Mia White Rock's Stormy |
We are happy to be retaining this female out of Sheba & Boudreaux!
Leona has exhibited the qualities and characteristics that Sheba's offspring are known for and we anticipate she will be a consistent producer of assertive, high drive working dogs. We are happy to announce that Leona place THIRD in her conformation class at her first NALC show in Crystal Springs, MS October 2021! |
2019 NALC Blue Leopard Female DOB: 08-20-2019 |
White Rock's Grady White Rock's Charlie Aden's Erlene Lee's Feisty Boudreaux CHSHCH Lee's Mr. Buck Lee's Ladybug Facahatchee's Midnight Star Crane's Strike Two ShCh Stones Throw's Drago Stones Throw's Ode to Joy White Rock's Sheba White Rock's Grady White Rock's Mattie Jo Aden's Erlene |
LOUKAT'S LEONA NALC Show Accomplishments
Oct 2021 Crystal Springs, MS THIRD Place ~ 1 yr & older never had a litter
We are thrilled to have retained this male sired by Boudreaux out of Merlot. He made his debut at the October 2022 NALC show and brought home a FIRST PLACE win in his conformation class!
We have started Zeb in baying and treeing and he has a strong working drive for baying livestock and raccoons along with a high prey drive for varmint elimination. Zeb is also pointed in conformation with NALC and we hope to continue his show career in conformation and treeing. |
NALC Blue Leopard Male DOB: 01-03-22 |
LOUKAT'S ZEBEDEE NALC Show Accomplishments
October 2022 ~ Carville, LA FIRST PLACE ~ 6-9 Month Old Male
We did not plan to retain this female out of Sheba by Tuco, but we are so happy that we did! She is gritty, vocal, protective and assertive! Stormy has begun working livestock and the rougher they are, the more she enjoys it.
We are thrilled to announce that Stormy also placed third in conformation under two judges at the September 2019 NALC Show in Carville, LA. Due to her assertive nature, Stormy is retired from conformation showing, but will continue working on the farm. Stormy has proven to be a great producer with her first litter born in 2020. We retained two puppies and both will work anything that breathes. |
Crooked Creek’s Dubbul Wiser Crooked Creek’s Pop-A-Top Sandhill’s Xena White Rock's Tuco Lazy Jake’s Conch Lee’s Tallulah Lee’s Tweeky Crane's Strike Two ShCh Stones Throw's Drago Stones Throw's Ode to Joy White Rock's Sheba White Rock's Grady White Rock's Mattie Jo Aden's Erlene |
LOUKAT'S STORMY NALC Show Accomplishments
Sept 2019 Carville, LA THIRD Place ~ 1 year & older never had a litter ~ NALC Conformation
Sept 2019 Carville, LA THIRD Place ~ 1 year & older never had a litter ~ "Preserving Our History" |
Six Bits has proven to be an excellent working dog and loves baying anything that moves.
He also exhibits the same protective nature as both his sire and dam which is exactly what we wanted to produce. We are very happy with the litters sired by Six Bits in 2024 with puppies showing strong working drive. We look forward to more litters sired by Six Bits in 2025! |
2020 NALC Blue Leopard Male DOB: 02-22-2020 |
Crooked Creek’s Dubbul Wiser
Crooked Creek’s Pop-A-Top Sandhill’s Xena White Rock's Tuco Lazy Jake’s Conch Lee’s Tallulah Lee’s Tweeky Crooked Creek’s Pop-A-Top White Rock's Tuco Lee’s Tallulah Loukat's Stormy ShCh Stones Throw's Drago White Rock's Sheba White Rock's Mattie Jo |
This will be the first daughter of Six Bits we retained and we are more impressed with her every day. She has a strong working drive and began baying livestock at four months of age!
We look forward to watching her continue to mature into a great working dog and show prospect. Nito is negative for DM by parentage and she has been color tested and she does split to red! Nito will begin her show career at the NALC show in April 2025. |
2024 NALC Blue Leopard Female DOB: 06-06-2024 |
Crooked Creek’s Pop-A-Top
White Rock's Tuco Lee’s Tallulah Loukat's Six Bits White Rock's Tuco Loukat's Stormy White Rock's Sheba ShCh Stones Throw's Drago White Rock's Chet White Rock's Mattie Jo Loukat's Bluebonnet Wager Too's Rat Lee's Honey Bun Lee's Ruby Tuesday |
We were very excited to welcome Ryko to our pack from our Razzmatazz and Tuco litter. He is a once in a lifetime dog with a unique coat color that has not been duplicated in any of our other litters.
Ryko has a passion for baying livestock and treeing. He has a great disposition and his first sired litter hit the ground in Spring of 2021 at White Rock & Lee Catahoulas! Ryko has been color tested, carries dilute and can sire silver puppies! Ryko is also pointed in conformation with NALC and is our highest pointed sire! |
2024 NALC Tri-Color Patchwork Male DOB: 02-18-2018 |
Crooked Creek’s Dubbul Wiser Crooked Creek’s Pop-A-Top Sandhill’s Xena White Rock's Tuco Lazy Jake’s Conch Lee’s Tallulah Lee’s Tweeky TRIGRCH Facahatchee's War Cloud Facahatchee's Kosmy TRIGRCH Lee's Razzle Dazzle White Rock's Razzmatazz Aden’s Roy Rogers Aden’s Pretty Polly Camp-A-While's Bay Bay |
LOUKAT'S RYKO NALC Show Accomplishments
October 2023 ~ Carville, LA SECOND Place ~ 1 Year & Older Proven Stud
October 2021 ~ Crystal Springs, MS SECOND Place ~ 1 Year & Older Proven Stud
September 2019 ~ Carville, LA FIRST Place 1 year & older male ~ "Preserving Our History"
September 2019 ~ Carville, LA SECOND Place 1 year & older male ~ "NALC Conformation
April 2019 ~ Carville, LA FOURTH Place 1 year & older male ~ "Preserving Our History"
October 2021 ~ Crystal Springs, MS SECOND Place ~ 1 Year & Older Proven Stud
September 2019 ~ Carville, LA FIRST Place 1 year & older male ~ "Preserving Our History"
September 2019 ~ Carville, LA SECOND Place 1 year & older male ~ "NALC Conformation
April 2019 ~ Carville, LA FOURTH Place 1 year & older male ~ "Preserving Our History"
We have strived for years to produce other puppies colored similar to Ryko and we were thrilled when Zoi was born! While Zoi's coat color is similar with slightly different coloring, it is a unique color pattern that has only been produced by our Razz & Tuco cross and has not been duplicated in any of our other litters.
Zoi has a strong working drive for baying livestock and raccoons. Zoi made her show career debut at the April 2024 NALC show in Crystal Springs, MS and tied for SECOND PLACE in her puppy class! |
NALC Blue Patchwork Female DOB: 11-07-2023 |
Crooked Creek’s Dubbul Wiser Crooked Creek’s Pop-A-Top Sandhill’s Xena White Rock's Tuco Lazy Jake’s Conch Lee’s Tallulah Lee’s Tweeky TRIGRCH Facahatchee's War Cloud Facahatchee's Kosmy TRIGRCH Lee's Razzle Dazzle White Rock's Razzmatazz Aden’s Roy Rogers Aden’s Pretty Polly Camp-A-While's Bay Bay |
LOUKAT'S ZOI NALC Show Accomplishments
April 2024 Crystal Springs, MS SECOND Place ~ 3-6 Month Female
We are pleased to have this beautiful girl join our Loukat Pack! Her pedigree is filled with working dogs and sire & dam are started in the bay pen and are pointed in conformation with NALC!
Delilah's is maturing into a high drive working dog and we can't wait for her to reach her full potential in both the show ring and baying hogs or livestock! |
2023 NALC Blue Leopard Female DOB: 07-30-2023 |
Rocking M's Miksa Rocking M's Patron El Dorado's Mocking Jay Bo Roseland's El Primo Roseland's Red River Countyline's River Lee's Gunner Lee White Rock's Cujo Lee's Mira White Rock's Taylor Sue Bay Apache's Clay White Rock's Heifer Please White Rock's Mia |
We are excited to be adding Trouble to the Loukat Pack. She has a great disposition and strong working drive for baying livestock. Trouble's first litter arrived on 08-27-2022 and we anticipate they will mature into excellent working dogs! |
NALC Black & Tan Female DOB: 03-23-2020 |
Lee's Oil Slick Lee's Solo Braveheart's Copper Lee's Duke Butternut's Badger Lee's Tar Baby Braveheart's Sophie Crooked Creek's Dubul Wiser Crooked Creek's Pop-A-Top Sandhill's Xena White Rock's Sassy Lazy Jake's Conch Lee's Talullah Lee's Tweeky |
Obi is an energetic, intelligent boy with a great disposition. We anticipate he will make a great dog for livestock, hogs, treeing or varmint elimination!
Obi made his debut at the October 2024 NALC show in Crystal Springs, MS where he placed SECOND PLACE in the 9-12 month male conformation class having never been led in a show collar nor being set up prior to entering the ring! We look forward to his future as a working dog and future sire! |
2023 NALC Blue Leopard Male DOB: 10-22-2023 |
El Dorado's Prince Rockin M's Miksa Lee's Annie Bug White Rock's Blue Duck Lee's Jericho White Rock's Mia White Rock's Stormy Lee's Ol Slick Lee's Solo Braveheart's Copper White Rock's Delta Facahatchee's Kosmy White Rock's Pitch Aden's Pretty Polly |
LOUKAT'S OBADIAH NALC Show Accomplishments
October 2024 Crystal Springs, MS SECOND Place ~ 9-12 Month Male
Lucy is an assertive, high drive daughter of Sheba that loves baying livestock and hogs. She has also inherited a strong desire for small game hunting and varmint elimination from her sire and dam. We are thrilled to retain this daughter of Sheba and expect she will become an excellent producer like her dam. We were pleased with Lucy's first litter and look forward to future offspring. |
2019 NALC Blue Leopard Female DOB: 08-20-2019 |
White Rock's Grady White Rock's Charlie Aden's Erlene Lee's Feisty Boudreaux CHSHCH Lee's Mr. Buck Lee's Ladybug Facahatchee's Midnight Star Crane's Strike Two ShCh Stones Throw's Drago Stones Throw's Ode to Joy White Rock's Sheba White Rock's Grady White Rock's Mattie Jo Aden's Erlene |
Joe is a beautiful silver leopard male and we were blessed to be able to add him to our program from Mr. Aubrey Aden out of Mississippi. Joe is an even tempered male that loves working livestock.
Puppies sired by Joe have good dispositions and have been placed in cattle working and tracking homes. Joe is quickly approaching retirement, but we look forward to more puppies sired by Joe with great working drives and good dispositions. |
2017 NALC Silver Leopard Male DOB: 05-01-2017 |
Windridge's Hollywood Wager's Fred Wager's Blue Aden's Gabby Hayes Aden's Bubba Jack Aden's JoAnne Aden's Rusty Wager's Fred Aden's Roy Rogers McCurdy's Lolly Pop Aden's Annie Oakley Camp-A-While's Cuttin Buck Camp-A-While's Bay Bay Camp-A-While's Tater |
Sophie is a beautiful daughter of Moonshine that we retained sired by Tuco. She is assertive and had a strong working drive for baying livestock and for varmint elimination.
2019 NALC Blue Leopard Female DOB: 04/10/2019 |
Crooked Creek’s Dubbul Wiser
Crooked Creek’s Pop-A-Top Sandhill’s Xena White Rock's Tuco Lazy Jake’s Conch Lee’s Tallulah Lee’s Tweeky GRCHSHCH Lee's El Nino Double Ott's Raptor GRCH Goose Creek's Bayou Gypsy Lee’s Moonshine Aden's Blue Bottom Buck Double Ott's Silver N Lace Double Ott's Sassy |
The dogs listed below are for reference only and are listed for the offspring that we have retained out of them.
There will always be "that dog". That dog is not just a dog and is like no other. That dog steals your heart, can never be replaced or matched by any other and makes you cry for more years that it could have ever lived.
Sheba was THAT DOG
Sheba was THAT DOG
12-10-2013 ~ 01-31-2024 |
REMEMBERING YOU I will remember you with smiles and tears, For all the joy we shared throughout the years. I will recall the bond that was ours, a love sweeter than any fragrant flowers. I will not dwell on thoughts that cause me pain, For I know, without a doubt, I will see you again. I know you are at peace; that I completely believe; It was your time to go, though you didn’t want to leave. I know you see me although you are not here; I see your face in my mind and feel you are near. I know you follow me throughout the day; I am not alone as I go along my way. When God calls me, I know you will be, Right by my side, right there with me. Till then I know you’ll be waiting by heaven’s door, Where we will be united forevermore. |
Merlot has reached retirement and has earned the right to live out her days doing whatever she pleases! She has an outstanding pedigree with over 30 Champion titled dogs in the first 5 generations and is out of proven producers of working and titled dogs in the field and the show ring and she is pointed in NALC conformation.
Merlot is determined, gritty and has a strong drive for baying hogs & livestock, hunting & varmint elimination. She has proven to have the intelligence, working ability, and drive that we appreciate. Merlot is officially retired from breeding, but gave us several daughters, including Loukat's Bolo, Loukat's Nobah, Loukat's Pistol, Loukat's Damaria and Loukat's Eliada, along with son Loukat's Zebedee that will be stepping in to fill their mother's shoes! Two of the daughters we have shown placed second in their first conformation classes with NALC and they have impressed us with their working ability as well! We are so thankful for the privilege of having Merlot for all these years and we will do our best to ensure she enjoys her retirement! |
ShCh Stones Throw's Drago White Rock's Grady White Rock's Lilly Twist White Rock's Charlie Wager's Fred Aden's Erlene Camp-A-While's Bay Bay QUINTGRCH Ingram's Cracker Boy CombCh Rocky Point's Code Blue TRIGRCH Philwood's Katy Lee's Blu Sue QUINTGRCH White Rock's Mighty Tyson QuadGrCh Braveheart's Sgt Pepper El Dorado's Billie Jean |
September 2016 ~ DeKalb, Texas FIRST place ~ 1 year and older had a litter
September 2016 ~ DeKalb, Texas RESERVE IN SHOW
September 2015 ~ DeKalb, Texas THIRD place ~ 1 year and older never had a litter
September 2016 ~ DeKalb, Texas RESERVE IN SHOW
September 2015 ~ DeKalb, Texas THIRD place ~ 1 year and older never had a litter
BOOBoo has been our favorite sire for many years and has proven to be an excellent cross on all of our females producing puppies with identical drive and working ability. Boo has sired several offspring that are pointed with NALC in conformation and hog baying and an UKC Champion and March 2023 Uncle Earl's NALC 1st Place 2 Dog winner, Loukat's Seal of Solomon who won alongside Boo's granddaughter Cutter out of Loukat's Toretto!
Boo began baying at 4 months old and has a very strong drive for working cattle or baying hogs or raccoons. He is confident, assertive, and protective of his family. He has over 4 generations of working and titled dogs. Boo has been retired and we are thankful for the many years of wonderful puppies he sired for us. We will continue our efforts for litters sired by Boo, but we can not guarantee the outcome. Every litter we are able to obtain is a blessing! |
SHCH Stones Throws Drago White Rock's Grady White Rock's Lilly Twist White Rock's Charlie Wager's Fred Aden's Erlene CHCowDog Camp-A-While's Bay Bay Go Go's Wolf River Buck CHSHCH Lee's Mr. Buck GRCHSHCH Lee's Penny Lee's Ladybug GRCH Lee's El Nino Facahatchee's Midnight Star QUADGRCH Lee's Razzle Dazzle |
Alley Cat was a sister to our beloved Kit Kat with an identical personality! She was out of working and titled dogs in the show ring and field, and she matured into an excellent working dog. Alley Cat was a great producer as well with offspring inheriting her grit, determination and love of working.
Although we were not blessed with any litters the past couple of years, past puppies matured into working dogs being used for hog baying, woods hunting, working cattle and tracking. |
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2015 NALC Red Leopard Female DOB: 03-15-2015 ~ 03-20-2024 |
Wager Too's Twister
Wager Too's Rat Wager's Tic-Tac Lee's Titan Lee's Pink Panther Lee's Ruby Tuesday LMA's Princess Lilly ShCh Stones Throw's Drago White Rock's Cowboy Casey's Cowgirl Deer Run's SkyBlue Lazy Jake's Conch Lee's Kate Lee's Tweeky |
Indy was assertive with a high drive for baying hogs, raccoons, cattle and for varmint elimination.
She had multiple titled, pointed and working dogs in her pedigree and we her offspring exhibited that same working drive. We were thrilled with her first litter by a son of Drago which was a great cross producing in UKC Champion that was also pointed in conformation with NALC. Heartbreakingly we lost Indy in July 2023. She was an outstanding working dog with an excellent disposition and temperament that will be greatly missed. Her last litter was born in April 2023 sired by White Rock's Phoenix and we have retained a son and daughter. |
Ingram's Cracker Boy CombCH Rocky Point's Code Blue Philwood's Katy Lee's TJ White Rock's Mighty Tyson QUADGRCH Braveheart's Sgt Pepper El Dorado's Billie Jean Stones Throw's Colby G Janie's G2 Goldstar's Marie Laveau White Rock's Savannah White Rock's Mighty Tyson QUADGRCH Braveheart's Sgt Pepper El Dorado's Billie Jean |
Kit Kat’s last litter hit the ground in January 2022 and we are very thankful to have retained a daughter out of this last litter sired by Boudreaux.
Kit Kat was one of the best females we have had and everything we look for in a Catahoula; assertive, high drive for baying hogs, working livestock, great varmint eliminator, protective of her family and she had the most beautiful bark of any female I've ever had. She was out of working and titled dogs in the show ring and field and she matured into an excellent working dog and a great producer. Kit Kat's puppies have exhibited her working drive and are being used for hog baying, woods hunting, working cattle and being shown with NALC in conformation and hog baying. |
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Wager Too's Twister Wager Too's Rat Wager's Tic-Tac Lee's Titan Lee's Pink Panther Lee's Ruby Tuesday LMA's Princess Lilly ShCh Stones Throw's Drago White Rock's Cowboy Casey's Cowgirl Deer Run's SkyBlue Lazy Jake's Conch Lee's Kate Lee's Tweeky |
We were very pleased with the opportunity to add this female to our program. Honey was a great producer and we have retained three of her daughters.
Honey was assertive and did not back down easily. She loved baying hogs and eliminating varmints. She had a strong drive for hunting and eliminating all small game! Puppies out of Honey have exhibited the same high energy and working drive as Honey, regardless of the sire. and are being used on hogs and cattle. Although Honey is no longer with us, her three daughters (Loukat's Bluebonnet, Loukat's Miriam and Loukat's Rose Red) inherited her same working drive and we anticipate will raise excellent puppies. |
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LEE'S HONEY BUN NALC Fawn Leopard Female DOB 09-29-2013 ~ 04- -2022 |
Wager's Spook Wager Too's Twister Trammel's Trouble Wager Too's Rat Wager Too's Ringo Wager's Tic-Tac Wager's Betty Boop SHCH Lee's Scogie Lee's Pink Panther Lee's Highway Patrol Lee's Ruby Tuesday Heavenly Hill's Jake LMA's Princess Lilly Heavenly Hill's Reba |
Moonshine was our matriarch and one of our favorite females. She was used for baying hogs or cattle, tracking and exterminating varmints. She had the best disposition and she was an excellent mother!
Females we retained out of Moonshine are intelligent, high drive working dogs: Loukat's Jochebed, Loukat's Abigail and Loukat's Lil Sophie. Other offspring are being used on hogs, cattle, for tracking, and personal & property protection. Moonshine whelped her last litter on April 20, 2021 and began enjoying her well earned retirement! Sadly, we lost Moonshine not long after her retirement; she enjoyed her last days rabbit hunting and relaxing under the shady pine trees of East Texas. She was one of our first Catahoulas and she will be greatly missed. We are thankful for the many years with her and for her daughters that we retained. She was one of the best! |
Aden's Zack GRCHSHCH Lee's El Nino Balentine's Savannah Ice Double Ott's Raptor Moss Bluff's Duke GRCH Goose Creek's Bayou Gypsy Blue Eyed Lady Wager's Fred Aden's Blue Bottom Buck Camp-A-While's Bay Bay Double Ott's Silver N Lace Crane's Strike Two Double Ott's Sassy GRCH Goose Creek's Bayou Gypsy |
Being a huge fan of Stones Throw's Drago, we were thrilled to be able to add Chet to our program! He is a full brother and littermate to White Rock's Sheba and his working drive and ability matched hers. Chet has been a wonderful sire and also produced a UKC Champion along with puppies used for hog hunting, baying, working cattle and treeing. We retained two females sired by Chet, Loukat's Sassafras and Loukat's Bluebonnet, both of which inherited Chet's strong working drive for livestock or hogs.
We have had six sons & daughters of Stones Throw's Drago and everyone had the working drive and ability that Catahoulas are known for. |
2013 NALC Blue Leopard Male DOB: 12-10-2013 - 12-29-2024 |
Blue Sky's Choco
Crane's Strike Two Rockledge's Kati Le Reaux ShCh Stones Throw Drago Stones Throw's Colby G Stones Throw's Ode to Joy Abney's Gray Lady SHCH Stones Throws Drago White Rock's Grady White Rocks Lilly Twist White Rock's Mattie Jo Wager's Fred Aden's Erlene Camp-A-While's Bay Bay |
Catahoulas at work and play!
Jody Friday P. O. Box 898 Groveton, Texas 75845 936-465-7944 e-mail: [email protected] |